A strong foundation led to success!Just one step ahead! Registration Form! Full Name *Email Address *Phone no. *Permanent/Residential address *Select Program *Program Registration ForHigh Rise & Tall StructureBridge Design & TechnologyRCC Structure with BIM TechnologySteel Structure with BIM TechnologyBIM ManagementBIM Modelling & CoordinationBIM Civil - AdvanceComputational BrIMBachelor degree collage name *Year of passing *Master degree collage name *If not put no anyYear of passingIf not leave blankPhoto ID proof *Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesPassport/Aadhar card/Collage certificateCV/RESUMEChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileTraining term conditions *I am agree with training term conditions.1. It may take 1 week after registration to start training, 2. Attending live class is compulsory, 3. Candidate must have to practice task and submit on time, if not live class will get suspended and resuming may take 3 months, 4. If candidate is not attending live class for 1 week and not performing, then live class recording will send and training duration will get end, 5. Training compilation certificate will only issue if candidate write assessment, 6. Experience and Project certificate only issue if candidate submit assigned project. 7. Training content is subject to properties of structurex private limited, using content for monetization and copying content is legal offence.Fee Payment Term conditions *I am agree with term and conditions.1. Fee is non-refundable in any condition, 2. There is no refund policy without proper reasons 3. Candidates have to clear their fee within 1 week of registration, 4. GST Credit is available for those who have GST Number. 5. Course is sold with full amount at the time of taking, 6. Falling deadline of fee payment will cause fine of rupees 150 per day and interest rate of 4%, 8. Last date with fine would be maximum 15 day from deadline after that training will get cancelled,SubmitPlease do not fill in this field. Please do not fill in this field.