Project Report of G+25 Story Building

Project Report of G+25 Story Building

Master study in high rise & tall structure project report (DBR) For G+25 High Rise commercial Apartment

Design Methodology

Limit state method is used for the design of the structure. In this method, each member of the  structure is designed to satisfy Serviceability and collapse criteria.

Section 5 of I.S. 456-2000 has given clear guidelines for Limit state method of design. The same design is adopted  with the suggested Characteristic loads of I.S 875-1987.

Taking Architectural plan as base, the column positions are decided to provide proper structural frame  without disturbing the parking plan. Column orientation is taken to provide maximum rigidity along spans and  also proper Resistance to lateral (wind& earthquake) loads.

Project Information

Location of BuildingNew Delhi
Building TypeResidential & Commercial
Number of FloorsG+25
Typical Height of Floor to Floor3.00 m & 3.60 m
Total Height of Building75.00 m
Length of Building34.4 m
Width of Building51.3m
SBC of Soil950 KN/m²

Material Properties

RebarHYSD415, HYSD500
Grade of ConcreteM35, M50
Non Structural WallsLight Weight Block
Glazing PanelGlass Sheets

Frame Section Properties

Frame SectionBeam400mmx750mm of M50
450mmx900mm of M50
Column750mmx900mm of M50
500mmx1000mm of M50
1000mmx1000mm of M50
Wall SectionShear Wall400mm thick of M50
600mm thick of M50
Slab SectionGeneral Slab225 thick mm of M50
Parking Slab225 thick mm of M50
Staircase Slab230 thick mm of M50
OHT & LMR Slabs220 thick mm of M50

Slab Properties

Floor Slab
Flooring Thickness50mm
Density of Floor24KN/m2
Super Imposed Dead  Loading of Flooring1.2 KN/m2
Terrace Slab
Thickness of Water Proofing150 mm
Density of Water  Proofing22 KN/M2
Super Imposed Dead  Loading of Water  Proof3.3 KN/m2

Loads on SlabsDead Load (IS875 Part-1)Live Load (IS875 Part-2)
General Slab1.2KN/m²4KN/m²
Staircase Slab3KN/m²3KN/m²
Parking Slab1.2KN/m²4KN/m²

Frame loading

1.Typical Height of the beam75 mm
2.Density of the Block work  including finishing10KN/m3
3.Thickness of the block work200 mm
4.External Wall Load Calculation(Thickness of wall) x (Height of Floor-Depth of Beam) x (Density of Material) = 0.2 x (4.0-0.75) x 10 = 6.5 KN/ m
5.Internal Wall Load Calculation(Thickness of wall) x (Height of Floor-Depth of Beam) x (Density of Material) = 0.15 x (4.0-0.75) x 10 = 4.8 KN/ m
6.Parapet Wall Load Calculation(Thickness of wall) x (Height of Floor-Depth of Beam) x (Density of Material) = 0.2 x 1.0 x 10 = 2.0 KN/ m
7.Loads on projections which is  window glazingLoads on projections which is window glazing  Loads= 5KN/m

Seismic Base Shear

StaticAnalysisBaseShear=Vb =Ah.W


Ah= Design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per using the fundamental  Natural period Time period

W= Seismic weight of the building  Qi = Vb x ∑Wihi² / ∑(Wihi)²


Qi =Design lateral force at floor

Wi =Seismic weight of floor

hi =Height of floor i measured from base

Building Location


Seismic zone factor (Z)  Site Type

Importance factor  Response Reduction, R


: 0.24 (As per 1893 (Part-1):2016, Table-3)

: II (Soft Rock)

: 1.2 (As per 1893 (Part-1):2016, Table-8)

: 4 (Ductile Shear Wall)

Time Period= 0.09h/√d

At X direction = 0.09h/√d = 1.15 Sec  At Y direction = 0.09h/√d = 0.94 Sec  Ah = Z/2 x I/R x Sa/g,


Z= Zone Factor

I = Importance Factor

R= Response Reduction Factor

Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient

Earthquake Design  Stability Checks

IS1893:2016 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral  seismic loads for load pattern EQX according to IS  1893:2016, as calculated by ETABS.

Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = X

Eccentricity Ratio = 0% for all diaphragms

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = Program Calculated  Factors and Coefficients

Seismic Zone Factor, Z [IS Table 3]  Response Reduction Factor, R [IS Table 9]  Importance Factor, I [IS Table 8]

Site Type [IS Table 1] = II

Seismic Response

Spectral Acceleration Coefficient, S a /g [IS


Equivalent Lateral Forces

DirectionPeriod Used (sec)W (KN)V b (KN)

Seismic Dynamic Base Shear

Load CasesBase Shear

Modal Analysis


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