Building Information Modelling

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the foundation of digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. As the leader in BIM, Autodesk is the industry’s partner to realize better ways of working and better outcomes for business and the built world.

What is BIM?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the holistic process of creating and managing information for a built asset. Based on an intelligent model and enabled by a cloud platform, BIM integrates structured, multi-disciplinary data to produce a digital representation of an asset across its lifecycle, from planning and design to construction and operations.

What is BIM used for?

BIM is used for creating and managing data during the design, construction, and operations process. BIM integrates multi-disciplinary data to create detailed digital representations that are managed in an open cloud platform for real-time collaboration. Using BIM gives you greater visibility, better decision-making, more sustainable options, and cost-savings on AEC projects.

What is the process of BIM?

The process of BIM supports the creation of intelligent data that can be used throughout the lifecycle of a building or infrastructure project.


Inform project planning by combining reality capture and real-world data to generate context models of the existing built and natural environment.


During this phase, conceptual design, analysis, detailing and documentation are performed. The preconstruction process begins using BIM data to inform scheduling and logistics.


During this phase, fabrication begins using BIM specifications. Project construction logistics are shared with trades and contractors to ensure optimum timing and efficiency.


BIM data carries over to operations and maintenance of finished assets. BIM data can be used down the road for cost-effective renovation or efficient deconstruction too.

Visual Programing

What is visual programming?

Establishing visual, systemic, and geometric relationships between the different parts of a drawing is key to the design process. Workflows influence these relationships from the concept stage to final design. Similarly, programming allows us to establish a workflow, but through formalizing algorithms.


Services offered by STRUCTUREX

We provide a number of BIM related services all over the globe.
We have completed 100+ projects successfully.

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Program offered by department of BIM Technology

Master in BIM management and coordination
Master in Computational design & engineering


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